Earn crypto in your sleep

Daily staking rewards directly to your wallet

Next payout

How it Works



Hold any amount of XECX in a wallet you control. Each XECX represents 1 staked XEC.



Every 24 hrs, your XECX wallet will receive a share of eCash staking rewards proportional to your XECX holdings. The minimum XECX balance for reward eligibility is typically less than $1.

Stack, Sell, or Spend

Stack, Sell, or Spend

Rewards are paid in XEC, which is tradeable on major exchanges for any other crypto. Roll into more XECX for compounding returns. Or cash out. Or hold. Or spend. It's your money.

How to Buy


Go to the XECX Agora Listing on Cashtab. The lowest-price offer will be selected automatically. Use the slider or enter an amount to purchase. Press "Buy Staked XEC (XECX)."


Confirm your quantity and price are correct on the preview modal. Select "OK"


Your XECX is instantly available in your wallet. Find it in the tokens screen. If you have an eligible balance (usually 50,000 is enough), you will receive your daily staking rewards on the next payout.

How to Sell


The XECX minter will always buy back XECX at a 1:1 price. An automated system makes most redemptions instant. Larger redemptions may take up to 24 hours. To make a sell offer go to your tokens page in Cashtab and click XECX


Under the sell toggle, input the amount to sell and the min buy. Set the price to 1 XEC, and hit "List Staked XEC."


Select "OK" to instantly list your XECX for sale. You can cancel the offer at any time before it is bought. Most XECX listings for 1 XEC will be bought instantly. Larger listings may take up to 24 hrs.

Frequently asked questions

What is XECX?

XECX is a token on eCash (XEC). The supply of XECX exactly matches the avalanche stake of an active staking node. The staking revenue earned by this node is paid out to holders of XECX every 24 hours, at midnight UTC.

Where does the yield come from?

XECX yield comes from staking rewards of an avalanche node on the eCash blockchain.

How do you make money?

On every daily payout tx, XECX takes a service fee. This is currently set to 10% and also covers the cost of transaction fees.

Is there a minimum balance to earn rewards?

The smallest XEC payment possible is 546 satoshis, aka dust. XECX addresses whose share of the daily staking revenue is less than dust will not receive a payout tx. Typically you must hold 30,000 to 50,000 XECX to earn a payout, or about $1.

In what form are the rewards paid?

XECX holders receive a payment in XEC at the address holding XECX.

Can I sell XECX?

Once you buy XECX, you can do anything you want with it. You can list it for any amount on Agora. If you have XECX listed for sale, you will still be rewarded for this balance at the address that created the Agora listing.

Can I redeem XECX?

XECX is always redeemable 1:1 for XEC. If XECX is listed on Agora for 1 XEC, the listing will be picked up instantly. Large redemptions may take up to 24 hours. For comparison, redeeming LIDO stETH takes 3-5 days.

Can I keep XECX on an exchange?

No. DO NOT send XECX to an exchange address. Exchanges do not support eTokens and any XECX sent to an exchange (e.g. Binance or Indodax) will likely be lost. XECX should be kept in a wallet you control, like Cashtab.

What can I do with my rewards?

This isn't our business. You earn cash rewards every day that are instantly liquid. You could choose to reinvest into XECX for compound returns, or stack XEC, or sell it every day.

Do I need to keep my XECX in a specific wallet?

It's important to choose a wallet that supports tokens. XECX recommends Cashtab. If you hold your XECX in Cashtab, it is always eligible for rewards. Holders with XECX at p2sh addresses (multisig) are not eligible for rewards. Only p2pkh addresses ("normal" eCash addresses) and creators of listed Agora offers are eligible for rewards. Note: p2sh addresses begin with "ecash:q", while p2pkh addresses begin with "ecash:p".

How often are rewards distributed?

Rewards are distributed automatically every 24 hours at UTC midnight. The amount of the reward varies daily, depending on how many new staking reward UTXOs hit the spendable threshold of 100 confirmations in that reward period.

Can I unstake my XEC?

Yes, XECX is tradeable, meaning you can convert your XECX back to XEC by selling it on Cashtab Agora at any time. XECX listings on Agora for 1 XEC will be automatically purchased.

Are there any fees?

10% of every daily reward payout is used to reward XECX operators and cover transaction fees.

How secure is staking with XECX?

As long as you keep your wallet secure, your funds and rewards remain safe. Always use trusted wallets and follow best practices for crypto security. XECX is a non-custodial token that you hold at your wallet. The user is free to do whatever with tokens, including lose or burn them, though this is not encouraged.

What if you get hacked?

XECX staking funds have been in the same wallet for more than a year. XECX is strongly incentivized to continue providing great service, both for the health of the eCash network and our investment in XEC and for the health of this business and its expected revenue. XECX is over-capitalized, in that the funds used to start the service belonged 100% to the founders. So, while a hack would be devastating, it may not halt operations. The hot wallet spends all staking rewards received every day, so a successful hack would only net one day of revenue.

Are you going to rug?

No. The incentives of building a successful product are higher. A rug would also hurt the value of XEC, in which the entire working capital of XECX is denominated.

Does this exist on other blockchains?

Lido stETH and SOL products offer similar services. However XECX is the only product to pay daily rewards in the native cash asset of the chain. While some staked ETH and SOL products could feasibly be cashed out on a daily basis, tx fees and token conversions make the instant liquidity of XECX rewards impractical on other blockchains.

Token ID:
Watch out for fraudulent tokens. Always check the token ID and use the official Agora Listing.
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